Wednesday, 11 September 2013

wonderful friends and surprises

Normally I dread the post coming and cringe as the mail hits the floor, but not this morning.  A wonderful gift in the post from a lovely friend.

Now I just need to get my muse on.  Although it's so nice I'm not sure I want to write in it :)

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Metal bones and nylon sockets

29th August, hubby went into hospital to get his nice shiney metal femur head and pristine white hip socket put into place..  We had a nerve wracking couple of hours where we didn't know if the op was going to go ahead because of traumas being admitted.  Anyway a nurse popped her head round the door to tell us all (3 elective ops) that yes indeed there were beds available and all 3 ops would happen.

By this time all forms had been filled in, signed and things explained to hubby all over again.  The hairy moment came when the anaesthetist was discussing risks which of course include pulmonary embolism (the very thing that took his mum)  I had to explain that his mum had recently died of that very thing.

By the time it came for hubby to go down they still hadn't vacated his bed so he had to go into a room they use for dressings etc to get ready.  We had just got him into his sexy gown and paper knickers when the porter arrived.  He did get a bit weepy but a huge hug and some reassurance and he was fine.  Mind you once he was on the trolley and away I had a bit of a moment myself.

When he eventually came back to ward no one remembered to let me know and I was to put it midly a bit miffed.  Anyway I got to see him for a wee while and as he was groggy from the morphine I left and came home.

Day 2 was Friday I got the wee bus over to see him and he was actually out of bed and sitting on a chair.  Very sore and very swollen but being his usual self and grinning and bearing it.  He did admit that no way could he have gone home on op day as he threatened to do.  I had a chat with the physio and they promised to get him up and walking with his frame before they left.  A phone call later on from hubby confirmed this had happened.

The next few days go past in a blur of visiting and nudging at the staff to remind them they are supposed to be making sure he was moving around.  His first major accomplishment was going to the toilet instead of using a bottle.  He was so much happier about being able to do that.

On the Monday he was discharged to go home, however being the way that the system works, they couldn't get him home until the next day as ambulances have to be booked 24 hours in advance.  I was so glad when he turned up home at about 10 on Tuesday morning.

We obviously haven't been doing much of anything from then but he has been doing his physio, had little walks outside and he is more able to get himself up dressed, washed, etc. I saw the wound on Friday when the nurse was in.  Very impressed at how neat it is.  Very clean and healing beautiful. There are lots of staples so it looks a bit like a zipper.  He can't wait to get them all out and be able to have a proper shower/wash.  The nurse should be in to take the clips out on Thursday.

For now it's more and more practise at walking on it and keeping up and increasing the exercise

His pain is massively decreased, he no longer has morphine patches, no more dicolfenac and is more or less just taking paracetamol and low strength codeine.  Things are looking up.