Monday, 3 February 2014

I wrote this for a woman who lost her son

He was only a young teenager at the time, knocked down and killed by a taxi.  The woman was going through a really rough time before it happened and this obviously was a lot for her to bear.  I didn't know her very well but I wrote it based on my thoughts of it.

Losing a Child

Our children are our future
We nourish and cherish them
We love without condition
Chastise when necessary and hug regardless

We believe they will always be there
Always in our lives until we die
Always tangible and real
Always there to be comforted and loved

We never expect to lose a child
Never think that they will die
Never believe that they will go before us
Never allow this thought to cross our minds

When it happens we are crushed
Our grief and pain beyond belief
Continuing without them seems impossible
Their departure feels like the end for us

We are left with a void
One which dearly needs to be filled
A huge space in our lives that knows no end
An empty space in our arms which aches

But our life goes on
Our pain eases but never dies
And our child lives on in our hearts
The memories of them stay forever

No more can we hold them
No more can we hear their laughter
No more can we ease their pain
But we will never forget

An old life lost is painful
A young life unbearable
Our hearts are strong
We will heal and pain will ease

The future will get brighter
Life will improve
Time will make things easier
Love will continue.

Written by
Freda Brodie

June 2009