Friday, 24 January 2014

On holiday in Cyprus

a few years ago I was sunbathing by the pool and spotted a lovely looking little girl who was with a very elderly Cypriot lady who I think was her grandmother and also a couple who I presumed to be her parents.  The parents went away leaving the little girl to look out for the frail older lady.  At one point the little girl stood shyly watching some British kids play pool and table tennis and I felt so sorry for her as she obviously also wanted to play. I snapped a photo of her then from watching her this poem was born.

Lonely Old Child
She stands there, watching in the wings
Her limbs long and gangly like a new born colt
Eyes are dark and wide like those of a fawn
Clinging with one hand to the twigs of a bush
Hidden partly by the dense dark leaves
Head bowed watching and waiting
Almost willing the others to see her
Yet still wishing to remain hidden
Wanting to play ball with them
But too scared and shy to join in
Totally unaware that she is being watched
Silently wanting to be part of the group
The other children oblivious to their audience
Play noisily in the shade, splashing in the pool
Their chatter a stark contrast to this one
This young seemingly lost soul so sad and alone
Then, the harsh voice of the grandmother
Calls the girl to her side to do her bidding
The moment is gone, the child turns away
Sadness etched on her pretty gaunt face
No play, nor toys, games are not for her
Her life lies in caring for the old woman
Fetching and carrying, providing company
Being there to cater to her every need

Young caring for old, this lonely old child

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